The Sweet Secret to Athletic Success: Unlocking the Power of Sugar

Sugar has long been a controversial topic in the world of nutrition, with many people and organisations demonizing it as a health villain. While consuming sugar on a regular basis is never recommended, but what if I was to tell you that most elite athletes purposely add sugar before, during and after their sports event. For athletes, sugar plays a vital role in fuelling performance and aiding recovery. In this article, we'll explore the science behind sugar and offer practical tips for incorporating it into your athletic diet.
What is Sugar?
Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that breaks down quickly into glucose, providing a rapid source of energy. There are two main types of sugar: simple and complex.
Simple sugars:
Glucose is found in candy bars, honey, and juices and more.
Fructose is often found in fruits like apples, pears, figs and more.
Lactose is found in most dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese and more.
While Complex sugars, like starch, are found in whole grains, vegetables, and pasta.
The Difference Between Simple and Complex Sugars
Simple sugars are absorbed more quickly by the body, providing a rapid burst of energy. This makes them ideal for fuelling those events where you want a quick burst of energy. Complex sugars, on the other hand, are absorbed more slowly, providing a sustained release of energy. This makes them a good choice for any event that will have a longer duration.
Lets talk nerdy, Why does sugar give us energy?
Sugar, particularly glucose, is a simple carbohydrate that your body readily breaks down for energy. Here's how it works:
How Athletes Get A Sweet Boost With Sugar
Depending on what type of workout or sport you play there will be different levels of dehydration that will occur, sports such as football, rugby league, CrossFit comps marathons and any event where you will sweat a lot, this is the body trying to cool yourself down and sodium makes up a large portion of your sweat.
Maintaining a well-balanced electrolyte level is vital to ensure you stay INFORM and at your peak performance. This is where sugar comes in, when it comes to speeding up the process of electrolytes being absorbed in your body sugar is used! when an athlete is needing to replenish their electrolytes quickly sugar plays a big part in making sure your electrolytes get into your blood stream by attaching itself to sugar and taking a “short cut” through the stomach and small intestines.
While speeding up the process of hydrating your body with sugar and electrolytes which is crucial for athletes, getting a quick burst of energy from the sugar is also a great addition to ensure you are continually performing at your peak level.
Sugar and energy
Have you ever tuned in to watch the Tour de France and seen the cyclists rip open a can of coke before during and after their race and thought, why would a peak athlete be drinking a can of coke? Well, you are not alone, many cyclists make this common practise a mix of sugar and caffeine is a very quick source of energy and carbs, with also lowering the body temperature with a cold can of coke.

“I’m a total sugar freak”.
Kai Havertz a football player who plays internationally for Germany and at the time Chelsea football club gave insight into his struggles when he moved to the football club Chelsea F.C when it came to his nutrition diet set by the club’s chief. Unfortunately, his new sticked diet didn’t go to plan as he struggled with his energy levels, and it wasn’t long before the club’s nutritionist recommend Kai going back to having sugar around his games
"We had a cook in London at the beginning, who came every day and cooked for us. And I have to say, I did not feel good at all. This had the complete opposite effect on me," he said. "He said to me, because I'm a total sugar freak. You probably noticed yesterday, I drink coke after the game and I need sweets and stuff, because that gives me strength and energy and he then said, stop completely, with it."
"And then we got a nutritionist at Chelsea and he completely went the other policy and said Kai you need the Fanta, you need the coke, drink one a day," he added. "At half-time I get gummy bears, Skittles or something. And he has completely followed the other policy and then I said OK, I'll do it again and that moved the push in my body and I was full of energy again."
Kai Havertz talking to Ehrenpflaume.

Sports supplements
When it comes to hydration there are a wide range of supplements and sports drinks that has the right balance of electrolytes and sugar while it is always important to read the nutrition panel to ensure you are getting what you are paying for!
Always remember
While sugar is beneficial for athletes and those using its benefits in sports or at the gym it's important to consume it in moderation. Excessive sugar intake can lead to weight gain, obesity, and other health problems. The key is finding the right balance.Sugar, when consumed strategically, can be a powerful tool for athletes. By understanding its benefits, risks, and how to balance your intake, you can fuel your body with quick performing energy helping you get INFORM and on top of your game.
It's important to note that while sugar can provide a quick energy boost, it's not a sustainable source of energy. A balanced diet with a variety of nutrients, including complex carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats, is essential for maintaining stable energy levels throughout the day.